The zionism in Costa Rica: organization, ideological dissemination, and discourses (1931-1945)


  • Ricardo A. Pérez Navarro


The objective of this essay is to analyze the Costa Rican Zionist movement with the propose to explore the organization, ideological dissemination, and discourses about Zionism and the Jewish community exposed into the HATIKVA, a newspaper of the Jewish youth movement called Juventud Sionista Unida of Costa Rica. Based on the above, this paper intends to expand the knowledge of the ideological, political, and socio-cultural environment of the Costa Rican Kehilah, and its link with the international Zionist movement as part of the ethnic-transnational diasporic dynamic during the turbulent conjecture of the 1930s and 1940s for the Jewish diaspora.


Sionismo – Kehilá – Identidad –Movimiento juvenil – Costa Rica