Cuadernos Judaicos <p>Cuadernos Judaicos es una publicación en formato digital del Dentro de Estudios Judaicos que sucede a Cuadernos Judaicos publicado en papel hasta el nº 25, correspondiente al año 2008.<br><br>La finalidad de la Revista es contribuir a la difusión de los trabajos de investigación individuales y/o colectivos de académicos principalmente de habla hispana dedicados al área de la cultura judaica y afines.</p> <p>Para mantener actualizada la información sobre cultura judía acoge artículos, reseña y comentarios bibliográficos sobre el tema.</p> Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades es-ES Cuadernos Judaicos 0717-4357 <p>Cuadernos Judaicos está bajo una&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener">Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional</a>. Los autores que publiquen en nuestra revista conservan los derechos de autor, pero al mismo tiempo, garantizan a Cuadernos Judaicos el derecho de ser la primera publicación del trabajo.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="" alt="Licencia Creative Commons"></a></p> <p>Sobre los derechos de uso se debe necesariamente citar las fuentes de obtención de la información en caso de copiar, imprimir o distribuir los artículos. Hay prohibición de comercializarlos.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Editorial Nelson Marín Alarcón Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 7 8 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73256 From “I felt indebted to my ancestors” to “that my grandchildren want to study it.” Motivations and expectations of present day Yiddish students in the Río de la Plata A partir de la década de 1980, numerosos movimientos socioculturales comenzaron a dar cuenta de un interés creciente por el ídish y por expresiones artísticas relativas al mundo judío de Europa oriental. Entre estos, en el Norte Global, cabe mencionar uno generado por el Yiddish Book Center para la preservación de libros publicados en ídish, la renovada importancia de la música klezmer y el surgimiento del Queer Yiddishkayt. Este interés tuvo también manifestaciones en Latinoamérica, en la zona del Río de la Plata a partir de la misma época; en particular, mediante la formación de numerosas bandas dedicadas a la música klezmer que encontraron canales de expresión en ámbitos privados, como fiestas familiares, y públicos, en espectáculos y celebraciones en calles, plazas y teatros organizados por instituciones comunitarias y estatales (Fischman, 2012; 2013). Más allá de estas expresiones de interés por la preservación y recreación de producciones artísticas inspiradas en la cultura judía de Europa Oriental, en años recientes empezó a registrarse un progresivo aumento del número de personas atraídas hacia el estudio sistemático de la lengua ídish. Este artículo, entonces, propone un acercamiento a las características de los estudiantes de ídish en la actualidad. Conocer los rasgos que singularizan a quienes hoy abordan el estudio del ídish, los motivos que los guían y los intereses que persiguen es un punto necesario para dar cuenta de este fenómeno y comenzar a vislumbrar sus consecuencias en relación con la largamente anunciada “muerte” de esta lengua. Fernando Fischman Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 13 35 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73257 Jewish converts in Antwerp, XVIth and XVIIth Century Varios conversos judíos o “cristianos nuevos” —obligados, por conveniencia o por convencimiento— vivieron en Amberes en los siglos XVI y XVII. Sobre algunos de ellos se han escrito libros, artículos, menciones dispersas o que abordan un aspecto específico, en distintos idiomas. El objetivo de este artículo es juntar esta información y hacerla asequible al lector en español, precedido por un contexto histórico sobre Amberes, los conversos y los privilegios dados a las “Naciones” de mercaderes extranjeros en los Países Bajos. De las más de 400 personas conversas identificadas en Amberes en el periodo estudiado en la investigación para este artículo, se da algún detalle biográfico de unas 60. Martine Dirven Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 37 75 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73258 Religion and resistance. Notes on the inquisitorial process of Inês de Caminha, new christian, trader of the almotacés’ house (1588) Inês de Caminha was ten years old when, on October 3, 1588, she was arrested by the Tribunal del Santo Oficio accused of practicing Judaism, heresy and apostasy. Its process, recorded in the Torre do Tombo Archive, available in digital format, is composed of two hundred and six pages that detail information about people who make up both its network of social relationships and Jewish practices, manifested in prayers, songs, gestures, ayuns , nutrition, among others, as well as their forms of resistance, expressed in observing the precepts of their religion and safeguarding their lives, when they fail to achieve another possibility. Marize Helena de Campos Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 77 91 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73259 Cultural change and first conversions in Coro, Venezuela: 1855 The following article studies the beginnings of the cultural change that occurred in the Coro´s Sephardic community based on three events: the baptism of Isaac Curiel Suares and the baptisms of the first cousins Jacob Curiel Levy Maduro — Isaac’s nephew — and Samuel Levy Maduro Abenatar; all from the same large family group and — in our opinion — in connection with the anti-Jewish events of 1855. Located in primary sources, these baptisms are the first three markers that express the lack of cohesion and a structural weakness in the small community, which never managed to have a synagogue or a rabbi. On the basis of sociologist Erving Goffman’s concepts, the analysis starts from an anthropological and historical perspective, to interpret the actions of those men in the provincial environment where they chose to live. It is concluded that, isolated from their home community, these solitary individuals, more than defying other individuals, confronted a group: the Venezuelan, where the religious Catholic Faith prevailed. The offer of a new interpretation of the infinite, of new ways of seeking the absolute, of a new rituality to approach God, culminated in a difference that turned the differences into similarities from the conversion, and with it, the assumption of new personal and social identities. The ethical plane of the Catholic world ended up being more attractive, more coercive and more convenient than their own. Blanca Isabel de Lima Urdaneta Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 93 109 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73260 Las representaciones del Holocausto en el horizonte sociocultural mexicano de los años cincuenta y sesenta: El caso particular del noticiario fílmico Cine Verdad This article is divided into three parts: First, I will start from the transnational dimension of the Holocaust in Latin America and Mexico during the forties, fifties, and sixties. Secondly, I am going to contextualize the Mexico of the fifties and sixties in order to understand the horizon of a film newsreel like Cine Verdad. Here I am going to take as an example the representation of the Holocaust in Mexican literature based on two novels: “Morirás lejos” by José Emilio Pacheco and “Cambio de piel” by Carlos Fuentes. Finally, I am going to analyze the different Cine Verdad capsules around the Second World War, Nazism and the Holocaust. This analysis is based on the categories of anti-fascism, cultural memory, and historical consciousness. Although the commemorative practices of the Holocaust began in Mexico in the forties, we can situate these film representations as part of mnemonic practices around this genocide. In these cultural representations we have a rhythm of recollection as we progressively move from relative silence in the early 1950s to a reactivation of Holocaust memory in the late 1950s and 1960s. However, in these representations we find a tension between the local character and the European and international character of the Jewish genocide. Therefore, the hypothesis of this work is that the representations of the cultural-filmic space of the fifties and sixties focus more on international than national themes and processes. There is no appropriation of the Holocaust to talk about national problems. Rather, Cine Verdad is located in an intermediate place between the omission and the representation of the Holocaust based on certain European and universal tropes, as well as by certain anti-fascist actors in Mexico. Alexis Barbosa Vargas Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 111 144 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73261 The Gospel of the working-class priest: Social justice, resignification and Catholicism in Chile (1960-1990) They decided to take off their cassocks and put on overalls to work in the factories and renounce the State’s pay. They are the worker priests, priests who without charging for the sacraments to impart them decided to leave the traditional parishes to live in the industrial areas, finding there a space to demonstrate that there are other ways of practicing and understanding the faith. In this context, this article proposes, through an interdisciplinary approach, to examine the presence of worker priests in the second half of the twentieth century and their influence on the adoption and reinterpretation of Catholicism from the popular sectors. To achieve this objective, a thorough analysis of the historical context in which they operated, their pastoral formation and their role in the public space has been carried out. To this end, various sources have been collated, including interviews, written testimonies, audiovisual material, press clippings and analysis of bibliographical sources. In this way, together with understanding and recognizing an emblematic figure linked to the religious scenario of the popular world, we explore his relationship with the historical conflicts of the time and his contribution to the understanding of the dynamics between the Church, the State and society. David Alcántara Rojas Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 145 169 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73263 Barrales, D. y N. Iglesias. (2021). ¿De qué lado está Cristo? Religión y política en el Uruguay de la Guerra Fría Luis Bahamondes González Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 173 176 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73274 Pavez, P. (2023). Levitas. Drama Pentecostal Dominique Manríquez Miranda Copyright (c) 2023 Cuadernos Judaicos 2023-12-21 2023-12-21 41 177 181 10.5354/0718-8749.2023.73275