Anecdotes and achievements of immigrants to Chile: first and second generation´ sephardic jews


  • Martine Dirven Eisenberg


First, there is a short introduction on: Sephardic Jews; the political and economic situation at the beginning of the XXth Century in Smyrna, origin of many Sephardim who migrated to Chile; and several technological and other advances outside Chile´s largest cities at the time. Then, based on interviews, texts by the second generation, and secondary sources, the travel, contributions to local institutions by the first generation and, with a broader spectrum, by the second generation are described. The stories also seek to describe local life in several small towns and localities of the Chile of 50-100 years ago, as well as the relations that some of these Sephardic Jews established with their own kind, the local population, the Syrian-Lebanese colony and German settlers. The beginnings of most as weekly vendors, and the real socio-economic and professional leap of many of the second generation are emphasized, as well as their thankfulness for the welcoming and opportunities.


Chile-judíos sefaradíes-migración-progreso intergeneracional