This paper explores the role of Jewish experience in the thought of the philosopher and Jewish-Argentine left-wing intellectual León Rozitchner (1924-2011). Taking as a starting point his book Ser Judio (1967), Rozitchner’s intepretation of Judaism is analyzed in his writings on St. Augustine and in his later writings of the early 2000s. Rejecting the interpretation of Christianity as mere ideology reflecting in a distorted way the capitalist mode of social production , Rozitchner elaborates in his later works the idea that Christianity is the presupposition of capitalist society , and that Christianity’s relationship to Judaism can not be other than a fundamental animosity of which the Shoah is not an aberration but its most exemplary manifestation.
León Rozitchner, Jewish identity, Jewish intellectuals in Argentina, Argentine Jewry, Marx, Freud, Christianity and Capitalism.
Maidan, M. (2016). León Rozitchner: Phenomenology of a Jewish Experience between Freud and Marx. Cuadernos Judaicos, (33), 192–215.