Margherita Sarfatti and fascism. The importance of his Jewish origin and the costs of an unwanted identity


  • Dr. Adolfo Kuznitzky Centro de Investigación y Difusión de la Cultura Sefaradi (CIDiCSef)


Speaking about Margherita Sarfatti means speak about italian fascism too, she was also a privileged witness of its génesis and rise of its leader, Benito Mussolini, and as author of a widely apologetic biography of him.- At the same time she was as nobody else the erratic symbol in this politic movement about Gli Ebrei D´ Italia (The Jews in Italy) in which case she was descending of them, something that she forgot, in spite of all, it did not prevent persecution, fear and exile and the death of a sister deported to Auschwitz, thought at the same point became so important as intellectual political fascism´s leader that was officially received by the United State President, Mr. D.Roosevelt.


Hebrews Italy, Fascism, Identity, Jewishness, Escape, Conversion.