Utopia released from Martin Buber dialogue and Zygmunt Bauman


  • Miguel Arredondo Instituto del Medio Ambiente (IDMA) Chile


This essay aims to approximate the utopia as a concept is released through a dialogue contextualized both Martin Buber and Zygmunt Bauman. Martin Buber, is clearly religious past century, for him utopia is not a concept more, but a way to deify or idealize society is coming. Instead, Bauman has no concern for the religious, although we found in several chapters of his works looks from the religious. A part of Jewish origin, there is something fundamental that connect as a solution to social gaze, it is the dialogue where one becomes more human. Therefore, it is important to analyze their conception of utopia as both authors assume as a motor or a starting point for their social proposals. Even more, there is a search of both authors for the liberation of the concept of utopia trends that seek to monopolize the concept.


God, utopia, dialogue, liberation, modernity, postmodernity, community, Holocaust.