“Chile for all races”: Responses of the Anti-Fascist Press to the Chilean Partido Nacional Fascista´s Antisemitism (1938-1940)


  • Gustavo Guzmán The Southern Cross School


During the thirties many right-wing nationalist groups appeared in Chile. Most of them declared to be against Liberalism, Democracy and Communism. In some cases these groups also embraced the Fascism and the Antisemitism coming from Europe, developing anti-Semitic campaigns, unprecedented in the Chilean History. This article enquires in the responses of the Chilean Anti-Fascist press to the Anti-Semitism of thePartido Nacional Fascista (PNF), main anti-Semitic group of the thirties, highlighting its collaboration with the Zionist weekly paper Mundo Judío.


Anti-Semitism in Chile, Chilean Anti-Fascist Press, Chilean Partido Nacional Fascista.