Judeofobia en Chile durante la década del ochenta: la obra de Miguel Serrano


  • Gustavo Guzmán Castro Licenciado en Historia, Universidad de Chile


Since the arrival of the early Sephardim during the Colony, the Jewish community has faced many challenges, being the judeophobia the most persistent and dangerous. This judeophobia has come from many fronts, especially from the far right and its Nazi wing. During the eighties of the last century the major figures of the Chilean judeophobia of far right changed: eoinciding with the fall of Franz Pfeiffer's WUNS brand, the figure of Miguel Serrano raised as the most important ChiJean Nazi and judeophobic thinker in Spanish Janguage. In this paper we will analyze the judeophobic books of this period, with emphasize in his main contributions to the judeophobie diseourse of far right in Spanish language, and
we will finish with a reflection aboutthe operation ofhis judeophobia from a semiotic point of view. We think that when we do il, we are contributing to the study and to break down the discourses of the present far right groups.


Judeophobia, Anti-Semitism, Nazism, Chile.