La experiencia del antisemitismo en seis testimonios de sobrevivientes de la Shoá albergados en Chile


  • Silvana Vetö Doctorante en Historia, Universidad de Chile


This article discusses the testimonies of six survivors of the Shoah that found shelter in Chile. They are approached from the perspective of the experience of anti-Semitism, thereby seeking to rescue, beyond the conceptual level, the voice and memory of those who have suffered it. The testimonies are characterized, first, from demographic and biographical variables, before being tackled from several key aspects of anti-Semitism that resulted central to the evidence: initial experiences of antisemitism and the collapse of European world and the bonds of identity. The analysis results show significant differences between survivors from Germany and those from the rest of Europe. The paper concludes with a reflection about the ethical and political positions on racism and discrimination that might result from the experience of antisemitism.


antisemitism, racism, experience, testimony, survivors, Shoah