Chilean earthquake and identity in the nerudian letter


  • Luis Rubilar Solís Universidad Metropolitana de Cienicas de la Educación


Given the geo-physic consistency of the narrow Chilean territory, extended between volcanoes and tectonic plates, the occurrence of natural catastrophes has been diachronic in its bicentennial existence as a nation. The oral as well as the written traditions have expressed this seismic nature as an ancestral ingredient of national identity. In Neruda's vital circumstances (1904-1973) four earthquakes took place, whose semiotic aftershocks resound in his writing. Noticing the telluric fate in this fi nis terrae, the poet's voice invites us to avoid mechanical and collective forgetfulness, warning us to install in the social imagination preventive attitudes to face futures disasters.


Earthquake, seismic, national identity, Pablo Neruda