José Ortega y Gasset's contribution to the field of anthropological epistemology



The following pages deal with the contribution of the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset to the field of anthropological epistemology. Ortega was aware of the advances that were taking place in the field of anthropology since the beginning of this discipline in the nineteenth century, which saw the dispute that then took place between the social sciences and the natural sciences. Faced with the modern naturalistic and physical / mathematical reason and the intellectual method or clear, logical or rational thought, which prevailed in his early writings, in a second moment, Ortega, correcting his initial point of view, opts for a type of historical-narrative reason that turns into anthropological reason that rescues the idea of the "historical sense" from which it addresses cultural plurality and the visionary, mystical or fantasy method typical of some human groups, as opposed to the intellectual method by which it is has chosen the so-called "civilized man" characteristic of Western culture. Ortega will end up relativizing the importance of the logical and rational method that he submits to the method of our historical science. According to Ortega, it progresses to the extent that we know how to deny methodically, fictitiously, the exclusivism of our culture.


Ortega y Gasset, epistemology, anthropology, science, historical reason